Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Stan Lee’s Origin Story is Revealed in Mutants, Monsters & Marvels

Lazy Sundays aren’t solely reserved for The Lonely Island. They’re the perfect time to clean out your DVR with programming you’ve really wanted to watch, but never actually made time for. So, while sipping on my Sunday morning coffee, I… Continue Reading →

Football Feuds: Al Davis vs. The NFL

Per Matt On this, the holiest of holy days in American professional sports, it only felt natural to write up ESPN’s 30 For 30 documentary series which focused on one of the most bitter rivalries of the National Football League…. Continue Reading →

Snowpiercer Fights for Survival in Season 2

Too many chefs in the kitchen can ruin a good meal… especially during a future worldwide catastrophe. For Season 2, TNT’s Snowpiercer finally introduces the man, the myth and the legend, who has been hyped up for the entire first… Continue Reading →

Welcome to the Blumhouse: Piecing It All Together

Per Matt At times, movies can be like puzzles. The viewer must constantly decipher what’s going on with the characters, who they are and their importance to the ongoing storyline. So, when Blumhouse Productions released four unrelated horror films just… Continue Reading →

Saturdays in the South = SEC Football

Per Matt Never worship your heroes. But in the South, it’s a way of life. Tradition. Reverence. Familiarity. Pageantry. And Family. These are only a handful of elements involved with college football, which brings people together each year who might… Continue Reading →

The Food That Built America Celebrates Independence Day

Per Matt Independence Day conjures a variety of images in my mind. You’ve got your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. You’ve got food grilling and a variety of summer dishes to eat, while staying out… Continue Reading →

Making a Life-or-Death Decision: Play or Die!

Per Matt Gamers have gotten a bad rap throughout the years via feature films (and through a variety of TV shows). It takes all kinds of people to make up any sort of generic category, and I contend that you’ll… Continue Reading →

Cola Wars is American as Soda

Per Matt Coke vs. Pepsi. The battle lines were drawn many years ago and the fighting continues today, but do you know the real stories behind the company’s headlines? It may not be apple pie, but Cola Wars attempts to… Continue Reading →

The Good, The Bad, The Hungry

Per Matt What better way to celebrate Independence Day than with a hot dog-eating competition documentary?

Sex, Drugs and Rivalries: Game Changers Fights the Video Game Wars

Per Matt Long before virtual reality, mobile games, MMORGs and LAN parties, you could find groundbreaking arcade game cabinets at your local gas station, bowling alley, roller skating rink and even department store, hoping to cash in on the fad…. Continue Reading →

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