Welcome back to #HauntLife. This week, I am going to take a look at the film Veronica, which released on February 26th. Ever since its release, media outlets have hailed it as the scariest movie made, and it is one… Continue Reading →
Hollywood is running out of ideas. Seriously, just look at weekend releases for most of the year and try to find two in a row without a franchise movie release. So far, we have gotten a new or debut installment… Continue Reading →
When you think of the typical comic book reader, you probably imagine young white males. Many of comic books’ greatest creative minds have demographically been white men, as well. Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Frank Miller and Alan Moore are all… Continue Reading →
In less than a week, the 89th Academy Awards will commence. For the everyday moviegoer, the Oscars have commemorated a selection of niche films until recently. Though, often, art-house movies come away with the top awards, relatively popular movies clean… Continue Reading →
The Walking Dead has experienced a roller coaster of highs and lows in its storyline throughout 2016. Daryl has joined the Saviors. Carl has become Negan’s apprentice. Maggie, Sasha and Enid are up on Hilltop. Eugene is making bullets. Carol and… Continue Reading →
It is interesting that now, upon the anniversary of Ant-Man schooling the haters on how wrong they can be in pre-judging a film, we find ourselves here again. Where, you ask? Why, Lucas’ I-Told-You-So Wonderland, of course!
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