Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The Walking Dead Interview: Jerome Opena

Per Matt Jerome Opena is a big fan of Zombies. His artwork has covered many comic-book titles, most notably on both The Walking Dead, as well as Marvel Zombies. At Wizard World Comic Con Nashville, we spoke with him about… Continue Reading →

Sean Astin Talks The Lord of the Rings and The Goonies

Sean Astin shared stories of his 30-year acting career at Wizard World Comic Con Fort Lauderdale. Currently appearing on The Strain and voicing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Raphael, Astin answered questions about his fan-favorite movies and living the life of… Continue Reading →

Previewing the Nashville Brew Festival

Per Matt With the introduction of the Nashville Brew Festival, craft-beer festivals are a whole new ball game.

Previewing Wizard World Comic Con Fort Lauderdale 2015

Fans from around South Florida will unite to celebrate their love of all things geek and pop culture as Wizard World Comic Con invades Fort Lauderdale at the Broward Convention Center on October 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 2015.

Previewing Wizard World Comic Con Nashville

Per Matt Pop-culture fans, prepare yourselves to be blown away as Wizard World Comic Con returns to the Music City Center, from Friday, September 25th to Sunday the 27th.

Cosplayer of the Month: Abby Dark Star

Per Matt She works in the video game industry by day and transfers her fandom into incredible cosplay creations by night. Abby Dark Star is our Cosplayer of the Month!

Clarksville Zombie Hunters Interview: Eric Yow

Per Matt As Halloween quickly approaches, there are three magic words that nicely sum up the season in a nutshell: You. Hunt. Zombies. Enough said.

Previewing the Music City Food + Wine Festival

Per Matt Foodies, prepare to get treated like rock stars this weekend, as the third-annual Music City Food + Wine Festival returns to downtown Nashville!

The 2015 Dragon Con Zombie Walk and Zombie Prom

Per Matt Downtown Atlanta was overrun by the undead during Dragon Con.

Previewing the 2015 Nashville Beer Festival

Per Matt The forecast for East Nashville includes costumes and craft beer when the fifth-annual Nashville Beer Festival returns to East Park on Saturday, October 17th from 2 to 8 P.M.

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