Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag #SpiderManHomecoming

My Guilty Pleasure: Blood Fest

Are horror fans really afraid of the dark? More importantly, would they be able to accurately follow the rules of the genre in order to survive homicidal maniacs, vampires, killer clowns and Zombies on the prowl for blood? Fandoms, pop-culture… Continue Reading →

Far From Home Takes Spider-Man on an Emotional Journey

Per Matt When do superheroes actually get to take time out of their busy lives in order to decompress and leave the crimefighting to others, if only for a little while? Peter Parker attempts to take a vacation, live his… Continue Reading →

Where Does Deadpool Fit Into the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

Preparing for the ridiculous roller coaster that is sure to be Deadpool 2, I wondered to myself: As soon as Disney’s purchase of FOX finalizes, how many of the current big-screen superhero projects will actually continue or will they all… Continue Reading →

Avenging a Death in the Family Via the Infinity War

Per Matt Death. Destruction. Loss. Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War is full of each element. So far, it’s been 10 years and 19 movies since Marvel Studios created the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the origin story for the Mad Titan is… Continue Reading →

Marvel’s Infinity War is Hefty Like Thanos

It is finally here! The huge movie (or pending pair of movies) we’ve all been waiting for. The culmination of all things Marvel over all these years. Every story, every character, every stinger scene in the credits, everything, all of… Continue Reading →

Black Panther’s Infinity Timeline

Superhero fans can finally celebrate the official introduction of Thanos into the Marvel Cinematic Universe this week as the character hits the big screen in Avengers: Infinity War, appearing in more than just a post-credits scene. But before we approach… Continue Reading →

Joe’s Top 5 Favorites of 2017

2017 was an outstanding year in film. Sure, the year ended on a disappointment — I’m looking at you, Star Wars: The Last Jedi. But think of all the wonderful movies, like Wonder Woman, this year has given us. Fans of… Continue Reading →

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets: An Exploration Into Why You Need to See This Movie

Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is the beautiful vision of a mature French filmmaker with an almost fifty-year-long love affair with the source material, which began in 1967 and ran for 43 years, comprising a collection of… Continue Reading →

Homecoming Is King

You’re going to read a lot of reviews praising the near-perfection of Spider-Man: Homecoming. It is phenomenal, fun, inspiring, and just what we needed at this stage of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s progression. It is the best Spider-Man film so… Continue Reading →

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