Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag st. Louis

Transworld’s Halloween & Attractions Show 2022 Review

It’s March. While most people are thinking about Easter, the start of Spring and all the things that warmer weather entails, thousands of Halloween enthusiasts flocked to take part in the world’s largest tradeshow set specifically for haunters, escape room… Continue Reading →

Finch: A Post-Apocalyptic Tale of a Man, His Dog and His Robots

Per Matt Never work with children or animals… apparently Tom Hanks didn’t receive the classic Hollywood memo, and the audience is better off because of it. Hanks’ latest movie, featuring a scene-stealing dog and a child-like humanoid robot, was originally… Continue Reading →

Transworld’s 2019 Halloween & Attractions Show In Review

The annual super tradeshow for the Halloween season, Transworld’s Halloween & Attractions Show, was held on March 21-24, 2019. Now you are probably thinking the same thing as most people: IT’S MARCH!! Halloween is over half a year away. Why… Continue Reading →

TransWorld’s Halloween & Attractions Show: 2017 In Review

Greetings, fellow creepy guests. This week in #HauntLife, I am going to review the 2017 TransWorld’s Halloween and Attractions Show that took place March 24 to 26 in St. Louis, MO. This annual trade show covers more than 500,000 square… Continue Reading →

Previewing the Horror Happenings of 2017

Now that a new year is upon us, it is always a good time to not only reflect on the previous year, but time to look ahead at what is coming up with anticipation. Don’t get me wrong, 2016 was… Continue Reading →

Transworld’s Halloween & Attractions Show Blew My Mind… Again!

From March 17th – 20th, the beautiful city of St Louis, MO, was the home for one of the most-anticipated annual events for most haunters. I call it many things: My vacation, my haunters holiday and my Christmas in March. But… Continue Reading →

Beer with a Brewmaster: Blackstone’s Josh Garrett

Per Matt Blackstone Brewery has made a name for itself, helping kick off the craft beer craze in downtown Nashville 20 years ago. Within that timeframe, a lot of good beer has been made, along with it, many awards were… Continue Reading →

Syfy Channel: Defiance

Survival is often difficult within Defiance. Even more difficult is the risky position of NBCUniversal and Trion Worlds.

Discovery Channel’s How Will The World End?

It’s the End of the World, as we know it… but how will it really end? The Mayans were way off. This psuedo-documentary presents five possible cataclysmic scenarios that might actually happen… at some point.

Attending Attractions: Wicked World, of ScareFest 2012

Per My Brother: After attending ScreamPark, I was definitely interested in having another round of haunted-house shenanigans. Luckily, I ran across Wicked World Scare Grounds and it blew my mind! Located in Lexington, KY, Wicked World was the official sponsor… Continue Reading →

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