Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag supernatural thriller

Digging for Clues Reveals More Skinwalker Ranch Mysteries

Paranormal elements including electromagnetic anomalies, unusual phenomena, unidentified flying objects, cattle mutilations, strange radiation emissions, weird science and unexplainable events are just a handful of incidents that have been either witnessed or experienced on Skinwalker Ranch. Housed on a wide-ranging… Continue Reading →

Amazon’s Them Gets Scary in the Suburbs

Per Matt Trauma is a terrible thing. Each and every person may experience it at some point in their lives. So, when you bring four characters together to form a family, placing them into equally hostile environments, each one is… Continue Reading →

Manifest Finally Addresses Fan Service

Fan Service. Hidden deep within the dark halls of Hollywood’s major production studios are writers who prefer not to directly address the elephant in the room. It’s what keeps fandoms up at night, molding conspiracy theories around their favorite themes,… Continue Reading →

Reflecting on Elisabeth Moss as Horror Writer, Shirley Jackson

Per Matt Biopics can be dangerous subjects. On one hand, they can lead the uninformed into believing fictionalized stories of actual people. On the other hand, they can also withhold some major attributes of real-life people, while accentuating others. Sometimes… Continue Reading →

Welcome to the Blumhouse: Piecing It All Together

Per Matt At times, movies can be like puzzles. The viewer must constantly decipher what’s going on with the characters, who they are and their importance to the ongoing storyline. So, when Blumhouse Productions released four unrelated horror films just… Continue Reading →

Should Dan Trachtenberg Fix the Predator Franchise?

Per Matt After 20th Century Fox released six films — each one with seemingly decreasing results — is the Predator franchise dead on arrival? Can 10 Cloverfield Lane director Dan Trachtenberg rejuvenate the interest of genre fans everywhere with yet… Continue Reading →

David J. Skal Highlights 31 Fright Favorites

Per Matt Halloween offers something for just about everyone. From the frights, to the costumes of symbolic characters, to the jump scares, to the classic movies we enjoy rewatching, even to the laughs they may bring. Author David J. Skal… Continue Reading →

Insidious Opens Up My Guilty Pleasure With The Last Key

Per Matt I’m not gonna lie. I was blown away by the original Insidious, which was released back in 2011. Since then, I’ve become a Blumhouse superfan, not only of the production company’s individual releases and subsequent movie franchises, but… Continue Reading →

Candyman Tells ‘Em the Truth in My Guilty Pleasure

Per Matt Sometimes there’s a little bit of truth hidden in plain sight, when dealing with urban legends. That’s what makes Candyman My Guilty Pleasure.

Shock Docs Declares: This Is Halloween!

With apologies to John Lennon, so this is Halloween… it’s the best time of year. And what have you done? But spread spooky cheer. I hope you have fun, to the old and the young. Shock Docs proclaims, this is… Continue Reading →

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