Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag underground burrow

Digging for Clues Reveals More Skinwalker Ranch Mysteries

Paranormal elements including electromagnetic anomalies, unusual phenomena, unidentified flying objects, cattle mutilations, strange radiation emissions, weird science and unexplainable events are just a handful of incidents that have been either witnessed or experienced on Skinwalker Ranch. Housed on a wide-ranging… Continue Reading →

Digging Toward Debt: Oak Island’s True Curse

Oak Island’s 225-year-old mystery has sparked the imagination of millions throughout the years as its long-held ties to historical heavyweights have been many, including the Ark of the Covenant, the Templar Knights, Blackbeard the Pirate, William Shakespeare and many, many… Continue Reading →

What’s the Secret of Skinwalker Ranch?

Many, many paranormal and supernatural anomalies can be found on the mysterious 512-acre plot of land in Uintah County, Utah. And a new investigative group has formed to explore the unknown in The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch.

My Guilty Pleasure: Blood Fest

Are horror fans really afraid of the dark? More importantly, would they be able to accurately follow the rules of the genre in order to survive homicidal maniacs, vampires, killer clowns and Zombies on the prowl for blood? Fandoms, pop-culture… Continue Reading →

Josh Gates Explores Lost History on Expedition Unknown

Urban legends, unsolved mysteries, ancient artifacts and missing evidence are all explored with archaeological glee in Expedition Unknown.

Digging the Mystery of Oak Island

As the Lagina Brothers dig into the complex, multilayered 200-year-old mystery that lies below Oak Island, numerous clues, theories and circumstantial evidence have all been presented (many of which have been disproved), along with a decent amount of documentation that has backed up… Continue Reading →

Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #4: Substitute Creature

“What’s more important? A stupid Valentine’s Day concert or saving the world from an army of ancient monsters?”

Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #3: Teacher’s Pest

It’s a hard-knock life, for bugs.

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