Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag unexplainable

Testing the Triangle: A Tantalizing Task at Skinwalker Ranch

Per Matt Ever had one of those days where everything goes wrong? Where unusual, unexplained phenomena exist, and each scientifically sound theory used to gain more background information just doesn’t seem to work out, even though every law of nature… Continue Reading →

Jordan Peele’s a Fan of the Paranormal? Well… Nope!

Per Matt As soon as the end credits faded away at a recent Nope screening, I tried pondering what the award-winning filmmaker was aiming for with his latest release. I was reminded of race relations as a horror film in… Continue Reading →

Skinwalker Ranch Stumbles Upon Stealthy Secrets in Season 3

A funny thing happened during the third season premiere of The Secret of Skinwalker Ranch. While collecting scientific data, the team actually found something strange! Dropping GPS trackers about a mile above The Triangle through an area where the team… Continue Reading →

What’s the Mystery at Blind Frog Ranch?

If you’re a fan of the supernatural, there aren’t too many things that might surprise you. Unusual phenomena? Animal mutilations? Electrical disturbances? Unidentified flying objects? All of these incidents have been reported at Blind Frog Ranch. And these are some… Continue Reading →

M. Night Actually Gets Old

With the spooky season sadly silenced, I decided to watch a creepy film that recently appeared at movie theaters after they partially reopened, then quickly disappeared. It was a Redbox night and I was definitely getting Old.

The Deep House Dives for Underwater Terror

Per Matt Millennials and their social media these days. Just about everything they do revolves around page views and videos watched, always carefully calculating and crafting their online presence. But when you’ve got a relatively young couple looking to break… Continue Reading →

Paranormal Activity Haunts Blumhouse’s Manor

Per Matt Death is but a stage in the circle of life. It’s only natural to be fearful about passing on during some point in your life. Making the most of your time alive should be more important than worrying… Continue Reading →

Snoop, Shatner and a Sharknado Reunion Spotlight Shark Week ’21

Per Matt Still drying off from the splash zone of Discovery’s Shark Week, the 2021 edition dove to new depths for highlights galore. But before discussing the new, let’s swim with the fishes of the network’s offerings of yesteryear.

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