Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag wrestling

Music and Monsters: Previewing the 2024 Nashville Film Festival!

If you’ve ever attended the Nashville Film Festival before, you already know that this is a week-long celebration of film, music and culture. And if you don’t know much about the big event, you might not know about all of… Continue Reading →

Ricky Stanicky is Not a Champion, but John Cena Makes it a Contender

In the world of entertainment, the divide between a good comedy and a bad one mirrors the distinction found in professional wrestling. A good comedy, much like a skilled wrestler, possesses a finely tuned sense of timing and delivery, expertly… Continue Reading →

Star Trek: Picard Isn’t Bold Enough

As a teenager in high school, my nights typically were a toss-up of video games, band practice or some RPG action within the Star Wars Universe. One night, I turned to our local Fox channel, hoping for something like Tales… Continue Reading →

Dwayne Johnson’s Days in the DC Universe are Doomed

Per Matt Did you happen to catch DC League of Super-Pets or Black Adam in movie theaters this past year? If not, you weren’t alone. Both films underperformed at the post-pandemic box office, hauling in $207 million (on an estimated… Continue Reading →

Black Adam Magnifies Dwayne Johnson’s Acting Strengths

Dwayne Johnson is one of the biggest stars in Hollywood today. I remember as a teenager watching him take on wrestling giants like Stone Cold Steve Austin, The Undertaker and Triple H. Now, he takes on critics, toxic fans and… Continue Reading →

The Similarities of Pro Wrestling and Movies Are Many

Besides being an uber horror movie fan, I am a professional wrestling mark. From an early age, I have been enamored with the storytelling the business offers. The writers and producers who work behind the scenes come up with stories… Continue Reading →

WNUF Halloween Special Captures the Feel of ’80s Local Television

Even though I was born in the ’70s, I don’t remember any of it. The 1980s are where my memories begin to take shape. It was a fun time for kids. There were so many cool shows on. We had… Continue Reading →

Netflix Adds Freaks: You’re One of Us To Its Superhero Lineup

It’s no secret that I love superhero films. I know most of the time I write about horror films, or hauntings, or newer releases to theaters. But deep down, I am a comic book geek at heart. From a very… Continue Reading →

My Spy Proves That Dave Bautista Is No Arnold Schwarzenegger

Growing up, Arnold Schwarzenegger was the quintessential action movie star. Basically, if you wanted a strong, muscle-bound hero who just oozed charisma, Arnold was your man. Starting with Conan The Barbarian, I was hooked on him. I remember my mom… Continue Reading →

Deadly Mistakes and A Rockin’ Punk Doc: 2019 Nashville Film Festival

Per Matt When attending an iconic event for the very first time, there’s always going to be some sense of nervousness until you finally get situated. But when you’re attending the Nashville Film Festival, which is currently celebrating its 50th… Continue Reading →

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