Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag #XMen

The 2024 #HauntLife Movie Awards

Welcome to the 2024 Movie Awards, where the red carpet is optional, the tuxedos are rented (if worn at all) and the categories are as unique as the films they honor. This is not the space for your typical “Best… Continue Reading →

Preventing the End of the World Via The Lazarus Project

The end of the world is kind of a big deal. There are numerous threats to humanity which can be named, but the biggest one seems to be the human race, itself. Sure, there might be dramatic climate change, disagreements… Continue Reading →

Good or Bad? Legion’s Second Season is Both!

What makes a good villain? What happens when the hero turns bad and the villain becomes good? These questions are posed at different times during Season 2 of Legion, but good vs. bad can also describe the show’s second season,… Continue Reading →

X Gonna Give It To Ya, In Deadpool 2

After the glorious disruptive success of the first film, the Merc With A Mouth has returned to cinemas in Deadpool 2, and this time he’s brought along some friends.

What is Real and What Isn’t in Season 2 of Legion?

Bizarre, awesome and highly stylized, Legion has become the best Marvel series on TV. No longer exploring the topic of madness, so what is real and what isn’t in Season 2 of the TV show?

Legion: What Exactly Happened in Season 1?

After binge watching Legion and re-watching many of those same eight episodes of Season 1 a second time, I’m still unsure of the show’s canon and what was a figment of the main character’s imagination, but it sure was great…. Continue Reading →

Battle Lines are Drawn as The Gifted Ends Season 1

“Nothing brings people together like hate.” That line of dialogue pretty much sums up the two-hour season finale of The Gifted.

Bryan Singer and the Mysterious Status of the X-Men Properties

Per Matt With the recent sexual misconduct accusations regarding Bryan Singer and the acquisition of Fox by The Walt Disney Company, the future of The X-Men properties seems cloudy, to say the least. Will the big- and small-screen properties see… Continue Reading →

Logan is a Violent and Emotional Accomplishment

There was a time when the superhero genre felt like it was all a big experiment, from one film to the next. Superman movies emerged as early as 1951, and up until around 2000, every Marvel and DC release had… Continue Reading →

2016’s Five Best Geek Films

Ranked? Hell no. You can’t rank your favorites! 2016 was so chock-full of geek movie goodness and more box-office action for us nerd kids than you could count in short order. Instead, I’ve selected five films in categories which defined… Continue Reading →

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