Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Chewbacca

Star Wars: The Last Jedi — Thoughts of a Sci-Fi Cynic

Long ago, in a galaxy not that far away, George Lucas had the visionary insight to rip off every sci-fi story of the ’40s through ’70s to create what would become the most bafflingly beloved and fiercely defended science-fiction saga… Continue Reading →

Reshoots, Rewrites and Reboots of a Galaxy Far, Far Away…

With multiple directors’ chairs rotating (as well as different screenwriters checking out) within the cinematic Star Wars Universe, what, exactly, is going on with Lucasfilm?

Star Wars vs. Star Trek: A Great Way Late Play Date

Per Matt Prepare for an intergalactic battle as Nashville’s Adventure Science Center hosts the ultimate sci-fi Way Late Play Date on Thursday, July 28th from 6:30PM to 10PM. Star Wars vs. Star Trek features the best elements of science fiction and science… Continue Reading →

Social Reflections of The Force Awakens

It has often been said of the Star Wars films that they tend to reflect the times, to some extent. Volumes have already been written on the topic, so we won’t rehash here why the cautious optimism and sticking-it-to-the-man motif… Continue Reading →

The Force Awakens: A New Chapter to an Iconic Saga

I’m going to say it: If you are a long-time Star Wars fan, there is as good a chance that you will love The Force Awakens as there is you won’t. Coincidentally, fans will revere or revile the franchise’s new… Continue Reading →

Waiting in Line for Star Wars: From 1980 to 2015

Per Matt A lot can change throughout the years, but the anticipation for a new Star Wars movie never seems to disappear. The production company may have been sold, the creator may have retired and a new generation of filmmakers… Continue Reading →

William Shakespeare’s Tragedy of the Sith’s Revenge

Per Matt Rounding out the prequel trilogy, ‘Tis the War of Stars, Episode Three. As if the story, written by Shakespeare, Revealeth the Dark Side, doth he, with much fear. Evil steppeth into thine spotlight, Mayhap to challenge the Jedi… Continue Reading →

Previewing Dragon Con 2015

Per Matt With Dragon Con almost here, it’s about time to release your inner geek!

Previewing the 2015 Lexington Comic & Toy Convention

Starting the year off on a good foot, the Lexington Comic & Toy Convention is a great way to begin our convention season!

William Shakespeare’s The Jedi Doth Return

Per Matt Thus arriveth Star Wars’ final chapter of the original trilogy, William Shakespeare’s The Jedi Doth Return is a fun read, verily. There’s more iambic pentameter, dare I say, Vocally describing actions from a galaxy, far, far away.

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