It’s about that time of the year! Only 12 days until Momocon 2019, an all-ages Geek Culture convention in Atlanta, GA, celebrating their 15th year since inauguration! Matt has gone previously, but this will be my first time attending Momocon.
As discussed in Part One, Geek Culture is destroying itself from the inside, and the toxic fandom elements among us make you sometimes wish there could be a “Thanos Snap” to return balance to the geek media and convention scene…. Continue Reading →
The Defenders is Marvel’s Netflix-level answer to The Avengers. It’s your first chance to see the headliners of four separate Netflix series (Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage, Iron Fist) come together for the first time. Elements of all five previous entries (Daredevil has had two… Continue Reading →
“To be sane in a world of madmen is in itself madness.” ― Jean-Jacques Rousseau I can’t help but think of Rick Grimes and his cowboy boots when I see this quote by the 18th century political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Maybe such… Continue Reading →
Ranked? Hell no. You can’t rank your favorites! 2016 was so chock-full of geek movie goodness and more box-office action for us nerd kids than you could count in short order. Instead, I’ve selected five films in categories which defined… Continue Reading →
Some say that a person is the average of the people with whom they spend the most time. In the case of Batman, it is one interesting group. Batman – The Telltale Series: City of Light masterfully concludes the five-part… Continue Reading →
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