Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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New Quantum Leap Shows Promise, But Past Links Dim the Future

Per Matt Quantum Leap has finally returned, but this time without Dr. Samuel Beckett. Oh… boy.

Mark Hamill Visits the Dark Side of Shadows

Per Matt Luke Skywalker joins a new franchise? You want the impossible.

Making a Life-or-Death Decision: Play or Die!

Per Matt Gamers have gotten a bad rap throughout the years via feature films (and through a variety of TV shows). It takes all kinds of people to make up any sort of generic category, and I contend that you’ll… Continue Reading →

The Dark Web Delivers

I have to be honest. I didn’t watch the first Unfriended until a few days ago. It was probably OK on a big screen. But when you use much of your time typing, instead of acting, you need type big… Continue Reading →

Look Out! There’s a Free Screening of Unfriended: Dark Web in Nashville

Ever get the feeling that someone is watching you? Discover the all-new terror at a free movie screening of Unfriended: Dark Web this week, in Nashville, TN.

Games Horror Fans Should Be Playing On Steam

Welcome back to another fun-filled episode of #Hauntlife. This week, yours truly will be reviewing several video games I recently picked up online via the gaming network Steam.

The American Remake of Foreign Films

Hollywood is fixated with pre-sold movies. For the unfamiliar, a pre-sold movie is any movie that is a sequel, prequel, adaptation or remake. The idea is that familiar productions cause increased interest and generate greater ticket sales. Tinseltown makes big… Continue Reading →

Waryard Pines is the Creepy Summer Series You Should Be Watching

In a world that highlights both a simple small-town, as well as a dystopian future awaiting the last shreds of humanity, Wayward Pines is a science-fiction thriller that slowly unspools a horrific mystery. It’s definitely the TV series you should… Continue Reading →


Per Matt Robert Kirkman, David Alpert and Norman Reedus take a break from their usual undead duties in order to take a breath of fresh Air.

Steve Jobs: An Icon Gets the Film He Deserves

As a lifelong admirer of the mastermind of the Macintosh and architect of the Apple legacy, I suppose it’s fitting that my first piece here on ZiMB would be a review of the Danny Boyle biopic about one of my lifelong heroes: Steve… Continue Reading →

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