Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag dark future

Hotel Artemis Invites You to a Free Movie Screening

Global Road Entertainment and Zombies In My Blog invite you to a free movie screening of Hotel Artemis next week in Nashville, Tennessee.

James Cameron Explores Science Fiction (Among Other Genres)

Remember back in the day when people actually bought DVDs, which highlighted incredible supplemental behind-the-scenes documentaries that explored related topics to their subject matter? Those were the best! Clearly I’m not a big collector, as I haven’t bought a DVD… Continue Reading →

Ready Player One? Ready for Nostalgia!

Per Matt When a friend asked me the premise for Ready Player One, I sarcastically replied with the following two sentences: Have you ever heard of Steven Spielberg? And have you ever played a video game before?

Fans of Blade Runner 2049 Will Enjoy the World of Altered Carbon

If you liked Blade Runner 2049 and want to spend some more time in a sci-fi/noir mystery set in the not-too-distant future, I would recommend Altered Carbon on Netflix. Also set in California, Altered Carbon takes place more than 350… Continue Reading →

S.H.I.E.L.D. Is Out Of This World!

What better way to reintroduce a superhero series than by a soft reboot formally introducing the Kree?

17776: A Brilliant and Thoughtful Sci-Fi Story About Football

There is something terribly wrong. The screen repeats it again, over and over. Something is terribly wrong. The black font size increases, overlapping, blocking out everything else. And then my screen faded to black. What just happened to my phone?

Rick and Morty Season 3 Airs On…

Sunday, July 30th, Rick and Morty Season 3 will air at 11:30 pm E.S.T.

Blood Drive Welcomes Us Back to the Grindhouse

If you guys know anything about me, you know I’m kinda obsessed with anything grindhouse. I’m actually worn out with the idea that all exploitative-type films are just homages to older drive-in films of the ’70s. Grindhouse is now its… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead: A Theatre of the Absurd

“THERE is but one truly serious philosophical problem, and that is suicide. Judging whether life is or is not worth living amounts to answering the fundamental question of philosophy.” – Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus

Ghost in the Shell: The Complex Stand Alone

Per Matt After watching Ghost in the Shell, a brighter tomorrow is no longer an option… it’s just as dingy and corrupt there as it is today.

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