Per Matt Death. Destruction. Loss. Marvel’s Avengers: Infinity War is full of each element. So far, it’s been 10 years and 19 movies since Marvel Studios created the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the origin story for the Mad Titan is… Continue Reading →
Growing up, the highlight of my week used to be going with my dad to the arcade and playing video games all afternoon. I kicked butt on Galaga and Super Mario, but nothing could ever compare to Rampage. The premise… Continue Reading →
Independent comics meet indie filmmakers as Team Troma visited the Comic Book Men for a grueling casting call in the recent episode, “Troma-tized!”
Per Matt Have you ever been immersed in an epic, action-packed video game and thought to yourself, “I bet this experience would be much better as a feature film?” Well, Tomb Raider is the exact opposite.
If I had one complaint about Death Wish… it would be that the film is nowhere near violent enough. It was painfully obvious that the film pandered and took the violence down a notch. That was surprising, considering the film… Continue Reading →
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Watching The Twilight Zone Marathon As If It’s the End of the World
It’s New Year’s Eve and on this morning, through the next 48 hours, I’m binge watching a TV show that has been cancelled for 53 years (before its multiple revivals and movie adaptations). I’ve seen every episode multiple times via syndication…. Continue Reading →