Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag graphic novels

The Power of Shazam!

I didn’t think this Shazam! movie would work. It has a horror director at the helm and up until now, the DCEU has been all gritty, all the time. I am not familiar with the screenwriter’s work and the story… Continue Reading →

Good or Bad? Legion’s Second Season is Both!

What makes a good villain? What happens when the hero turns bad and the villain becomes good? These questions are posed at different times during Season 2 of Legion, but good vs. bad can also describe the show’s second season,… Continue Reading →

Season 2 of Luke Cage is One Step Forward, Two Steps Back

There’s a lot about Season 2 of Luke Cage that’s good. All the returning actors play their characters well. Visually, the show looks good. You’ll hear some great music and performances, just like last season. Most importantly, there’s a great… Continue Reading →

Disney Wins Fox Bidding War, Their Infinity Gauntlet is Nearly Complete

Much like Thanos seeking to gather all the Infinity stones throughout Avengers: Infinity War, so has the Disney empire sought to secure the rights to the outstanding Marvel comic book properties. And after Comcast faded from the bidding war this… Continue Reading →

Cosplayers of the Month: Frost Sisters

The professional cosplayers portraying Anna and Elsa from Frozen were extremely popular when I went by their table on that Friday during MegaCon 2018. It turns out that the two cosplaying as Disney princess sisters are actually sisters in real… Continue Reading →

James Gunn, Twitter and Other Things That Will Offend You

You are about to be offended. The fact that I even have to open an article with that statement infuriates me. But, since we live in an age of instant communication, where no one listens and everyone insists on shouting,… Continue Reading →

The Buzz on Ant-Man and The Wasp

Here in the South, the summer is all about bugs. Bugs and sweat. And meat. Charred meat. And blowing shit up. So, this is the perfect week to release a movie about bug-themed heroes!* Ant-Man and The Wasp may not… Continue Reading →

Comic Creator Interview with Steve Stone

If you’ve ever wondered how to promote your indie comic at a convention, then pay close attention to my interview with creator Steve Stone. While talking about the latest issue of Cape Haven and his graphic novel, Conquest, Steve mentions… Continue Reading →

Cosplayer of the Month: Evilyn13

There was Silk Spectre from Watchmen. She was talking to convention-goers at MegaCon 2018 and standing in front of a big sign which read: Evilyn13.

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