Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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World’s Most Unexplained Spotlights Unsolved Mysteries

When you look back to particularly weird situations in your past, moments when you might have had bad feelings about something about to happen, when a pain aches in your gut, telling you not to do something… you really should… Continue Reading →

Raising Children During the Zombie Apocalypse? You’re Only Dead on the Inside!

Per Matt Fear. Terror. And worthless debit cards. These are only a few things to worry about when the undead wreak havoc during the Zombie Apocalypse. Then there’s a whole new set of rules for raising your children during this… Continue Reading →

The Dead Don’t Die is a Shambling Zom-Com That Challenges Expectations

The term “zom-com” is something rather new to me. I have heard of “rom-coms,” or “romantic comedies,” but “Zombie comedies” is not something I tend to put together in my head. But when I stop and think about it, there… Continue Reading →

Chubbies Just Want Some Action

There’s something great about watching B-movies. Expectations aren’t very high and the fact that trailers and TV spots aren’t spoiling plot points gives the viewer a different movie experience. For the Troma horror-comedy, Chubbies, that experience is over the top… Continue Reading →

Catching up with Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season 3

Season 3 of Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. has brought new challenges for the spy organization. Picking up where the series left off last year, the Terrigen mist that dissolved in the ocean and was distributed throughout the world via fish… Continue Reading →

What’s Next for the Jurassic Franchise?

Per Matt “No one is impressed with a dinosaur anymore.” That line of dialogue cannot be further from the truth. After Jurassic World broke multiple box-office records earlier this year, the future seems incredibly bright for distributor Universal Studios. With… Continue Reading →

Marvel Zombies 2

After a brief visit to the sideways / parallel universe, Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead) returns to write a true sequel for the Marvel Zombies. In this storyline, 40 years have passed since the superheroes of Earth-2149 became Zombies. So,… Continue Reading →

Marvel Zombies vs. Army of Darkness

Happening somewhere within the timeline of Marvel Zombies: Dead Days, the mighty Ashley J. Williams (from the Evil Dead feature films) gets rejected from the afterlife and transported into the land of Earth-2149, the world of The Marvel Zombies! FIRST… Continue Reading →

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