Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Jedi

Star Wars Anoints a New Era with The Acolyte

Family bonds run tight throughout the Star Wars Universe, beginning with the Skywalkers within the Original Trilogy, later stretching into the prequel trilogy and the Solos and the Palpatines wrapping up the Sequel Trilogy. Those ties continue, possibly even stronger,… Continue Reading →

Star Wars: The Last Jedi. May the Force Be With You.

I am warning you before you read another sentence, I have drafted articles about Star Wars: The Last Jedi. All of them end up riddled with spoilers. This one is no different. You’ve been warned.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Backstory

The Star Wars franchise is booming. It was just four short years ago when Disney bought out Lucasfilm and brought a new spark to this iconic movie franchise. Last year, The Force Awakens’ success gave new hope (pun intended) to… Continue Reading →

That’s No Moon…

Witness the firepower of my armed and operational cliché title.

Social Reflections of The Force Awakens

It has often been said of the Star Wars films that they tend to reflect the times, to some extent. Volumes have already been written on the topic, so we won’t rehash here why the cautious optimism and sticking-it-to-the-man motif… Continue Reading →

The Force Awakens: A New Chapter to an Iconic Saga

I’m going to say it: If you are a long-time Star Wars fan, there is as good a chance that you will love The Force Awakens as there is you won’t. Coincidentally, fans will revere or revile the franchise’s new… Continue Reading →

Waiting in Line for Star Wars: From 1980 to 2015

Per Matt A lot can change throughout the years, but the anticipation for a new Star Wars movie never seems to disappear. The production company may have been sold, the creator may have retired and a new generation of filmmakers… Continue Reading →

Into the Badlands

Into the Badlands offers a post-apocalyptic peek into a worn-down world ruled by martial arts.

Star Wars Rebels

With the first new Lucasfilm TV series to be released since Disney bought out the franchise, will Star Wars Rebels be more like the original trilogy… or the prequels?

Rebel Legion Interview: Don Enck

Per Matt At the Nashville Mini Maker Faire, one of the most popular do-it-yourself groups involved Star Wars cosplayers. These Star Wars fans create costumes and build replica accessories based upon officially licensed Lucasfilm source material. Commanding Officer Don Enck… Continue Reading →

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