Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Jon Favreau

Deadpool & Wolverine Breathes New Life Into the MCU

The Deadpool movies have garnered a massive following due to their unique blend of irreverent humor, high-octane action and a charismatic antihero who breaks all the rules. Ryan Reynolds’ portrayal of Deadpool is pitch-perfect, delivering rapid-fire quips and meta-references that… Continue Reading →

Lightning Strikes Twice for Taika in Thor: Love and Thunder

Per Matt Originally dark and dreary, the Thor franchise was not exactly well received in Marvel’s Phase One by critics and fans alike (although I’m probably one of the few who didn’t mind the plot devices). When Taika Waititi was… Continue Reading →

Jon Favreau, Hans Zimmer and Sir David Attenborough Get Prehistoric

Per Matt One day, Jon Favreau, Hans Zimmer and Sir David Attenborough walked into a bar together. After visiting with each other for a few minutes, they compared dream projects and began pondering what it would be like to work… Continue Reading →

Spider-Man: No Way Home vs. The Matrix Resurrections! Stud vs. Dud?

The Christmas holiday for 2021 has come and passed, and while many were spending time with family and friends, the Kittrell house continued its tradition of hanging out at our local movie theater. With the week leading up to Christmas… Continue Reading →

The Zen Diaries of Garry Shandling

Per Matt Garry Shandling lived multiple lives, in terms of his success in Hollywood. Each time it looked like he had plateaued, he would break on through to a higher plane. And then, improbably, he’d top his past successes, creating… Continue Reading →

Far From Home Takes Spider-Man on an Emotional Journey

Per Matt When do superheroes actually get to take time out of their busy lives in order to decompress and leave the crimefighting to others, if only for a little while? Peter Parker attempts to take a vacation, live his… Continue Reading →

Spider-Man: Far From Home Brings the Multiverse to the MCU

Spider-Man: Far From Home hints at something bigger for the Marvel Cinematic Universe than even an Infinity Gauntlet can create. The new Spider-Man film teases a multiverse that could break the limits for anything and everyone to enter the MCU.

#DontSpoilTheEndgame Was Mostly a Success

Per Matt Superhero fans are a rare breed of moviegoers. They enjoy seeing their favorite comic book characters adapted to the big screen and boost box-office bucks to the billions of dollars for the studios who properly tell their tales…. Continue Reading →

What Does Jon Favreau Bring to The Mandalorian?

As Avengers: Endgame wraps up one film franchise, another one prepares to begin. And the shiny connection that links the two is filmmaker Jon Favreau.

Solo: A Long Time Ago and A Helluva Lot Of Fun

It’s here! The Falcon has landed. Solo: A Star Wars Story jumps out of hyperspace and into theaters this weekend, and audiences finally get to decide for themselves if this latest non-saga film passes muster. We got an early look… Continue Reading →

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