Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag jump scares

The Terror is More Than Just an Infamous Ghost Story

Fans of Marvel Comics might find something familiar in Season 2 of AMC’s horror anthology series, The Terror.

What’s the Sequel Limit for Michael Myers?

Per Matt If you don’t believe in the bogeyman by now… you should. And he’s damn near unstoppable. The Saga of Michael Myers and Laurie Strode returns for not one, but two more movies to wrap up the reboot trilogy,… Continue Reading →

Ghosts of Morgan City Haunt Louisiana

Life in Louisiana is different than other any place within the United States. The food, the people, the customs, the local legends, the superstitions… and that includes living alongside the supernatural. And if you’d believe the local police department, the… Continue Reading →

Annabelle Comes Home Is A Horror Adventure In Babysitting

Back in 2013, director James Wan brought to the big screen a movie that would spark a horror movie franchise, defining the horror landscape for the better part of decade. Unlike Wan’s previous franchise, Saw, this new series would focus… Continue Reading →

Ma Gets Creepy, But Offers Little Horror

Per Matt Fans of the horror genre have been patient. There have been movies released throughout the year featuring the action, comedy, Gothic, invasion, psychological, science-fiction, slasher and survival subgenres that have boasted a big box office, but during the… Continue Reading →

The Prodigy Proves It’s a “Bad Seed”

The term “bad seed” has been used quite a bit when describing a certain genre of horror films. This type of film replaces the innocence of a child with a void of pure evil. Several films have pulled this off… Continue Reading →

Child’s Play Reboot May Be Scary For All The Wrong Reasons

For fans of Halloween, horror movies and the original Child’s Play series of films, the announcement of the 2019 reboot of the horror film franchise sent chills down the spine. Unfortunately, it was for all bad reasons. As of late,… Continue Reading →

Us Pulls Nightmare Creatures Out of the Shadows

Per Matt If you think the notion of being terrorized by doppelgangers, bloody beachfront boardwalks and fuzzy logic collectively create a good horror movie, then watching Jordan Peele’s latest thriller, Us, will be right up your alley.

Happy Death Day Lived to Die Another Day in the Sequel

In today’s episode of What Did I Just Watch, I give you Happy Death Day 2U, a second installment from a series that has apparently decided it was time to give itself a makeover. If you have seen the first film,… Continue Reading →

Aquaman Proves That Horror Filmmakers Should Get More Opportunities

Per Matt You don’t have to be a fan of superhero movies to enjoy Aquaman. You don’t have to read comics to enjoy Aquaman. And you’re not required to have seen any of James Wan’s horror movies to enjoy Aquaman… Continue Reading →

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