Per Matt Filmmakers need a lot of imagination to entice moviegoers to pony up their hard-earned money at movie theaters (and now, streaming services). Back in the 1950s, Italian sword-and-sandal films were all the rage. Originally released in 1961, Hercules… Continue Reading →
Comics and cartoons have always been used as reflections of the real world. Marvel Comics’ hero, Captain America, took on Nazis during the Golden Age. The plight of the X-Men is a parody of the struggles against oppression and discrimination…. Continue Reading →
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COVID Complications Can’t Close BattleBots
Per Matt When the global pandemic was first spreading like wildfire earlier this year, I knew the entertainment industry would soon face some drastic changes. Little did I realize consuming overpriced popcorn and watered-down Cokes at movie theaters would be… Continue Reading →