Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag mysterious illness

Words on Bathroom Walls Gives Schizophrenia a Voice We Can All Hear

Words on Bathroom Walls is a new feature film from director Thor Freudenthal, based on the book of the same name by Julia Walton and adapted for the screen by Nick Naveda. The story focuses on the day-to-day struggles of… Continue Reading →

How Accurate is History’s Project Blue Book?

In a world where the truth is out there, but exaggerations definitely pay the bills, History’s Project Blue Book somehow falls between the cracks.

Lost Gold Attempts to Unearth Missing Treasures of WWII

Some mysteries remain unsolved for a reason, whether it’s lack of credible information or too much reliance on tall tales, but Lost Gold of World War II attempts to unearth Yamashita’s Treasure 70 years after being buried, based on credible… Continue Reading →

Survival Horror Storyline Infects Mars

The exact moment when Mars switched from science fact/docuseries with dashes of futuristic science fiction to inevitable horror in outer space is when I fully realized this National Geographic series could get a bigger audience and should get the green light for… Continue Reading →

Legion: What Exactly Happened in Season 1?

After binge watching Legion and re-watching many of those same eight episodes of Season 1 a second time, I’m still unsure of the show’s canon and what was a figment of the main character’s imagination, but it sure was great…. Continue Reading →

Government Revelation Gives Proof That The Truth is Out There?

With the publication of The New York Time‘s bombshell report of a secret Pentagon UFO program, The X-Files is quickly transitioning from science fiction to science fact.

It and the Power of Pennywise

Clowns, man. It’s always been clowns. Since I was a kid, there has always been something that has simultaneously intrigued me and repelled me about them. I love seeing them on television. Watching Bozo in the mornings before school was… Continue Reading →

Beyond the Red Door: It Comes at Night

After seeing the teaser trailer for It Comes at Night, I had a bet going with my fiance. I thought that it would be a Zombie movie. She was leaning more toward psycho/isolationist killer. We both agreed that it would… Continue Reading →

Fear the Walking Dead: Not Fade Away

It’s been nine days since the lights went out, the neighborhood fence went up and the National Guard moved in.

The X-Files Season 10 Vol. 4

“I’m looking to bring it all together, somehow.”

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