Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag nick fury

The Marvels Fails to Shift Out of First Gear

Upon the release of the 2019 film, Captain Marvel, Disney faced significant challenges. Brie Larson, the actress portraying the lead character, made remarks during the movie’s promotional tour that some found polarizing. Consequently, a portion of the audience critiqued the… Continue Reading →

Secret Invasion Should Awaken Marvel’s Small-Screen Success

The ninth installment of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is Secret Invasion, set to premiere on Disney+ on June 21st. Typically, I begin my reviews by providing some background on the comic book source material and delving into a comparison between… Continue Reading →

Far From Home Takes Spider-Man on an Emotional Journey

Per Matt When do superheroes actually get to take time out of their busy lives in order to decompress and leave the crimefighting to others, if only for a little while? Peter Parker attempts to take a vacation, live his… Continue Reading →

Spider-Man: Far From Home Brings the Multiverse to the MCU

Spider-Man: Far From Home hints at something bigger for the Marvel Cinematic Universe than even an Infinity Gauntlet can create. The new Spider-Man film teases a multiverse that could break the limits for anything and everyone to enter the MCU.

#DontSpoilTheEndgame Was Mostly a Success

Per Matt Superhero fans are a rare breed of moviegoers. They enjoy seeing their favorite comic book characters adapted to the big screen and boost box-office bucks to the billions of dollars for the studios who properly tell their tales…. Continue Reading →

2019: The Year of Samuel L. Jackson’s Hair

If Samuel L. Jackson didn’t wear a wig, did he even appear in a film?

Captain Marvel Rocks the ’90s for the MCU

Per Matt Up until now, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has featured a wide assortment of genre films for its superheroes, with the majority of them featuring men. With Captain Marvel, a different type of approach was made, and it’s a… Continue Reading →

Marvel’s Infinity War is Hefty Like Thanos

It is finally here! The huge movie (or pending pair of movies) we’ve all been waiting for. The culmination of all things Marvel over all these years. Every story, every character, every stinger scene in the credits, everything, all of… Continue Reading →

Happy Birthday, Joss Whedon!

June 23 marks the birthday of one of pop culture’s most influential artists. Joss Whedon has distinguished himself as a writer, director, producer, filmmaker and pop-culture icon. Born Joseph Hill Whedon on June 23, 1964 in New York City, he… Continue Reading →

Wonder Woman and the Definition of the Modern-Day Superhero

Per Matt Throughout the years, different types of heroes have emerged. Those of the 1930s were vastly different from those of the early ’80s, the ’90s and even today. Superheroes reveal the story of America, so, what exactly does the… Continue Reading →

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