Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Patrick Stewart

Star Trek: Picard Isn’t Bold Enough

As a teenager in high school, my nights typically were a toss-up of video games, band practice or some RPG action within the Star Wars Universe. One night, I turned to our local Fox channel, hoping for something like Tales… Continue Reading →

Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness Checks All the Boxes

If you know me, you know that I have a taste for action movies and horror flicks. A few times in history these genres have overlapped with one another. Even fewer have been successful. Most of the time, horror-action films… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Logan

Per Matt What would the Wolverine film franchise look like, had Marvel not sold off the big-screen rights to the popular comic book character? And would Marvel Studios have EVER taken the chance to tell the tale known as Logan?

Professor X Marks the Spot for Legion

Three years in the making, Charles Xavier has finally arrived to the party — although a little late — in Legion: The Final Chapter.

The Old Man in Logan

Now that the world has had some time to enjoy the wonderfully visceral experience that is Logan, I can feel a little safer writing about it without needing to attach a spoiler tag to every other sentence. Some of you Wolverine… Continue Reading →

Logan is a Violent and Emotional Accomplishment

There was a time when the superhero genre felt like it was all a big experiment, from one film to the next. Superman movies emerged as early as 1951, and up until around 2000, every Marvel and DC release had… Continue Reading →

Logan: Wolverine’s Dramatic Farewell

Fewer characters in the Marvel Universe have as complex history as Logan, better known by his superhero name: Wolverine. Considering most Marvel characters have a convoluted story, this says a lot about the scrappy Canadian fighter. Hugh Jackman is supposedly… Continue Reading →

The 2016 Golden Globes Nominations From a Geek’s Perspective

Per Matt The nominations have been announced for the 2016 Golden Globes awards ceremony and surprisingly, geek culture was embraced with the list. Here’s a quick look at the potential award winners, from a geek’s perspective.

X-Men: Days of Future Past

If you can change the past, you control the future.

Previewing Dragon Con 2014

It’s finally here: Dragon Con 2014!

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