Per Matt For the second year in a row, Nashville’s Schermerhorn Symphony Center will host Link, Ganon and all their video game-based friends at The Legend of Zelda: Symphony of the Goddesses — Master Quest concert. This special two-night performance… Continue Reading →
Per Matt Temporarily abandoning his death fortress at the North Pole of Neptune, Robot Santa (of Futurama fame) made a special appearance at the 2015 Dragon Con Parade. There were many great cosplayers attending the Atlanta-based convention, but this one… Continue Reading →
Per Matt With the recent death of Scott Weiland, it seems like an appropriate time to examine another favorite artist of mine, one whose incredible recordings and time on this Earth were also cut way too short, Amy Winehouse.
Per Matt The road to happiness can be long and winding. It’s a difficult path, for some. As evidenced in Rapture, Blister, Burn, it can be both a bonding experience, as well as a fracturing one.
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Are Found-Footage Films Dead?
Per Matt During the early ’90s and the mid 2000s, found-footage films were all the rage. Spanning different genres, there were no true limits for the format, but with the arrival of 2016, the state of cinema is obviously headed… Continue Reading →