Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag photographs

Frist Art Museum Remembers The Nashville Flood: Ten Years Later

Per Matt When the rain came, Nashville was never the same. Currently appearing at the Frist Art Museum through May 17, The Nashville Flood: Ten Years Later recalls the Great Flood of 2010, which, for the most part, went underreported… Continue Reading →

Stan Lee Makes a Wizardly Appearance in Nashville

Per Matt When the name Stan Lee is mentioned, a variety of pop-culture references come to mind. For millennials, he’s the older gentleman making cameo appearances within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For the older crowd, he might be remembered from… Continue Reading →

Cosplayer of the Month: Mandee Sim

Per Matt She’s a champion of anime and summoner of creative cosplay. Mandee Sim is our Cosplayer of the Month! In our interview, we discuss her cosplay creations, compare the conventions of her home country, Canada, with those in the… Continue Reading →

Food: A Love Story

Per Matt Thanksgiving, Christmas and possibly New Year’s Eve: They’re all holidays that are closely associated with food. Since the holiday season is wrapping up on New Year’s Day, what better time to review Food: A Love Story?

Geek Media Expo Night at the Frist Center For the Visual Arts

Per Matt Animation took center stage on Thursday, as the Frist Center For the Visual Arts hosted the Geek Media Expo Night.

The Harlem Hellfighters

Per Matt Taking a break from the Zombie genre, author Max Brooks focuses his attention on a little-known military unit that fought prejudices and battles both on and off the battlefield.

War Horse at TPAC

Per Matt If it’s possible to attribute an Unknown poet’s quote and relate it to a play, this one is spot-on: “A horse is like a best friend. They’re always there to nuzzle you and make your life a better… Continue Reading →

Surviving MTAC 2013

MomoCon 2013: The Lost Photos

Per My Brother Although it was a successful weekend attending MomoCon 2013, it ended with a loss of camera and photos of the weekend. Luckily, the camera was successfully returned to its rightful owner. Behold the pictures that defined the… Continue Reading →

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