Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Saturdays in the South = SEC Football

Per Matt Never worship your heroes. But in the South, it’s a way of life. Tradition. Reverence. Familiarity. Pageantry. And Family. These are only a handful of elements involved with college football, which brings people together each year who might… Continue Reading →

The Food That Built America Celebrates Independence Day

Per Matt Independence Day conjures a variety of images in my mind. You’ve got your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free. You’ve got food grilling and a variety of summer dishes to eat, while staying out… Continue Reading →

Digging Toward Debt: Oak Island’s True Curse

Oak Island’s 225-year-old mystery has sparked the imagination of millions throughout the years as its long-held ties to historical heavyweights have been many, including the Ark of the Covenant, the Templar Knights, Blackbeard the Pirate, William Shakespeare and many, many… Continue Reading →

Project Blue Book Divides Sci-Fi Fans

Searching for the truth continues in Season 2 of Project Blue Book as the government battles “conspiracy theories” concerning unexplained events, fear of the unknown and unusual phenomena (including aliens and flying saucers), all the while silencing the public unrest… Continue Reading →

William Shatner Explores the Unexplained

History beams up a new nonfiction series to explore unsolved mysteries, strange experiences, cursed history and the paranormal in The UnXplained.

Making History Probably Won’t Make History

Making History is one of at least four new time-travel series to hit the airwaves this season, and the only one that is intentionally trying to be funny (I’m looking at you, Time After Time marketing campaign). Unfortunately, Making History is not… Continue Reading →

“Cursed Child” is Harry Potter for a Grown-Up Generation

It had been a long time since I had stood in line in a Barnes & Noble at midnight. In fact, it had been almost a decade, and it had been for the very same beloved book series: Harry Potter. With… Continue Reading →

Expedition Unknown Continues to Search for the Truth

Josh Gates returns for all-new legends, mysteries and evidence as he hunts for the truth in Season 2 of Expedition Unknown.

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