If you know me, you know that I have a taste for action movies and horror flicks. A few times in history these genres have overlapped with one another. Even fewer have been successful. Most of the time, horror-action films… Continue Reading →
The Christmas holiday for 2021 has come and passed, and while many were spending time with family and friends, the Kittrell house continued its tradition of hanging out at our local movie theater. With the week leading up to Christmas… Continue Reading →
Lazy Sundays aren’t solely reserved for The Lonely Island. They’re the perfect time to clean out your DVR with programming you’ve really wanted to watch, but never actually made time for. So, while sipping on my Sunday morning coffee, I… Continue Reading →
Drive around the block and find something else to crap on, neck-beard cynics and unappeasable uber-nerds. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-verse isn’t your newest victim. I mean, I’m sure it will be, anyway, but the civilized world knows it’s… amazing.
Heroes are only as good as their villains, so I’m hoping for some better villains for the second season of The Defenders.
You’re going to read a lot of reviews praising the near-perfection of Spider-Man: Homecoming. It is phenomenal, fun, inspiring, and just what we needed at this stage of the Marvel Cinematic Universe’s progression. It is the best Spider-Man film so… Continue Reading →
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