Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Stormtroopers

That’s No Moon…

Witness the firepower of my armed and operational cliché title.

Space: The Geeky Frontier at the Adventure Science Center’s Way Late Play Date

In the latest gathering of fun-loving sci-fi fans at the Adventure Science Center’s Way Late Play Date, fans of the two most beloved space epics joined together to celebrate in the theme of the evening, “Star Wars vs. Star Trek.”… Continue Reading →

Star Wars vs. Star Trek: A Great Way Late Play Date

Per Matt Prepare for an intergalactic battle as Nashville’s Adventure Science Center hosts the ultimate sci-fi Way Late Play Date on Thursday, July 28th from 6:30PM to 10PM. Star Wars vs. Star Trek features the best elements of science fiction and science… Continue Reading →

Waiting in Line for Star Wars: From 1980 to 2015

Per Matt A lot can change throughout the years, but the anticipation for a new Star Wars movie never seems to disappear. The production company may have been sold, the creator may have retired and a new generation of filmmakers… Continue Reading →

Impressions of a First-Time Dragon Con Attendee

“What’s your favorite fandom?”

The 2015 Academy Awards – From a Geek’s Perspective

The 87th Academy Awards was for the birds. Well, a Birdman, at least.

William Shakespeare’s The Jedi Doth Return

Per Matt Thus arriveth Star Wars’ final chapter of the original trilogy, William Shakespeare’s The Jedi Doth Return is a fun read, verily. There’s more iambic pentameter, dare I say, Vocally describing actions from a galaxy, far, far away.

Star Wars Rebels

With the first new Lucasfilm TV series to be released since Disney bought out the franchise, will Star Wars Rebels be more like the original trilogy… or the prequels?

Way Late Play Date: Star Wars vs. Star Trek

Per Matt The Way Late Play Date got a little geeky with its latest themed party: Star Wars vs. Star Trek!

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