“To be sane in a world of madmen is in itself madness.” ― Jean-Jacques Rousseau I can’t help but think of Rick Grimes and his cowboy boots when I see this quote by the 18th century political philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Maybe such… Continue Reading →
Grab your Walkman and mixtape. Strap on your rocket boots. And bring a blatant disregard for authority on your way to save the universe. Star-Lord, Gamora, Rocket, Drax and Groot are back, and this time you can control them.
So, you are just in the backyard, enjoying a day with the family. Your wife is helping you plant some new items in your small garden, while your daughter is running around playing. The world couldn’t be any more beautiful…. Continue Reading →
Zombie. What does that mean to you? Does the concept of the dead returning still scare you, or have you become desensitized? Are Zombies now in the same category you might find the Creature From the Black Lagoon, Dracula and… Continue Reading →
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