Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Armand Schools Young Parenting Fears

Like many of my fellow parents, the thought of being called to the school because my kid did something bad terrifies me. It’s not just the embarrassment of walking into the principal’s office and feeling the weight of everyone’s judgment,… Continue Reading →

Meerkat Manor Rises Up For a New BBC Dynasty

Wildlife and nature documentaries have long been a favorite of mine, ever since I was a child. I was fascinated by mother nature back then, as I am still. While I no longer regularly watch PBS specials, many great series… Continue Reading →

Deep State Takes a Deep Look at the Politics of Intelligence

Per Matt Headline news inundates us with 24-hour news cycles of violence, government conspiracies and global politics. Such is the backbone of Deep State, which highlights the motivations of global elected officials, the fallout from their actions and all the… Continue Reading →

Legion: What Exactly Happened in Season 1?

After binge watching Legion and re-watching many of those same eight episodes of Season 1 a second time, I’m still unsure of the show’s canon and what was a figment of the main character’s imagination, but it sure was great…. Continue Reading →

Preacher Does Some Soul Searching in Season 2

Jesse Custer’s journey, as a character on Preacher, has been an emotionally rocky road so far, but Season 2 of the AMC TV series has led him to New Orleans, where he seeks an audience with God, who has strangely… Continue Reading →

Troma Weaves a Web for Spidarlings: Arachny in the UK

Welcome back to a new fun-filled movie review here at #HauntLife. This week, I will be reviewing a newly released film from Troma Entertainment called Spidarlings: Arachny in the UK. This film is from director Salem Kapsaski and stars Sophia… Continue Reading →

47 Meters Down Dives Into Rough Waters

In the trailers for 47 Meters Down, some critics are saying it’s the best shark movie since Jaws, the seminal movie that defined underwater horror, premiering in 1975. That’s more than 40 years of movies. So, apparently there hasn’t been… Continue Reading →

Fear the Walking Dead Can Only Get Better, Right?

“No matter where we go, it’s the same story… just different people.”

Wrapping up Season 6 of The Walking Dead

Can we finally exhale, already? After watching the season finale of The Walking Dead, the adrenaline is still flowing!

LEGO Super Heroes: Justice League vs. Bizarro League

Worlds collide when the LEGO Super Heroes realize the biggest threat to the universe may actually be themselves!

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