Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag unnatural disasters

In the Eye of the Storm Makes Extreme Weather Emotional

Once you’ve seen Twisters, it’s time to get personal with some extreme weather! In the Eye of the Storm is a limited television series currently airing on Discovery Channel that will truly gut you with devastation. Sometimes, mother nature is… Continue Reading →

Moonfall Truly is a Disaster Film

Roland Emmerich’s new sci-fi film, Moonfall, may have a pretty big cast full of A-list names, but that only will take a film so far. Kinda surprising to me, as I looked over this cast list long before checking this… Continue Reading →

La Brea: When a Sinkhole Swallows Up SoCal

Or How NBC Chose to Replace Manifest OK, La Brea, you caught my attention when tall buildings, cars and people were suddenly swallowed up in downtown Los Angeles without warning, but I lost interest when I found way too many… Continue Reading →

No Electronics and No Sleep Haunt the Netflix Flick, Awake

Per Matt Years ago, I had a sleep disorder. I’ve always been a light sleeper, but at one point insomnia was a regular part of my life. That was definitely a difficult time for me, but with some lifestyle changes,… Continue Reading →

Even During a Nuclear Winter, Power Corrupts Snowpiercer

Catastrophes come in all shapes and sizes, whether they’re man-made or natural, taking place in the modern world or during a future Apocalypse. Or they’re simply inevitable. Somehow, Snowpiercer‘s second season involves each of those elements, wrapped up in a… Continue Reading →

Doomsday Caught on Camera

It’s the end of the world and destruction sells. Let’s face it, in 2020, after already experiencing so many disasters, what else can you expect from an all-new television series debuting this year? As just about every unusual event seems… Continue Reading →

Digging Toward Debt: Oak Island’s True Curse

Oak Island’s 225-year-old mystery has sparked the imagination of millions throughout the years as its long-held ties to historical heavyweights have been many, including the Ark of the Covenant, the Templar Knights, Blackbeard the Pirate, William Shakespeare and many, many… Continue Reading →

War of the Worlds: An Epic, Low-Tech Disaster Story

Per Matt The aliens have arrived and they’re on a mission to wipe out the entire human race. While that synopsis may sound exactly like The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells, that’s only the beginning for the adapted… Continue Reading →

Who’s Hotter Than a Burning Building?

No one is hotter than The Rock. Skyscraper starts out in tragedy and the ability to bounce back. Then we jump ahead to our hero half a world away, getting ready for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity with his family in tow…. Continue Reading →

Just in Time for Spring: Night of the Lepus Hops Onto Blu-Ray

I love B-monster movies. Anyone who’s read more than two words of mine knows that the cheesier a flick is, the more likely I am to fall in love with it. I grew up watching old black-and-white creature features and… Continue Reading →

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