Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Westworld

Is Hulu’s Hold Your Breath Worth Holding Your Breath For?

The “Samara Weaving Covered in Blood” trope is highly regarded among horror enthusiasts, but another equally celebrated motif is “Sarah Paulson Screaming.” Paulson has built a substantial following within the horror community, primarily due to her performances across nine seasons… Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty’s Excellent 16-Bit Adventure

Per Matt Season 5 of Rick and Morty has arrived, bringing more galactic adventures to our favorite mad scientist and his grandson. The season premiere reveals Rick’s actually got a nemesis who goes by the name of Mr. Nimbus, a… Continue Reading →

Dark Secrets Haunt Perpetual Grace, LTD

Per Matt Life is complicated, and as the characters of the EPIX TV show learn the hard way, nothing ever happens according to plan. Eventually, though, they get into the rhythm of Season 1 in Perpetual Grace, LTD, which only… Continue Reading →

Red Dead Revives Westerns

Land o’ Goshen! It’s a good time to be a fan of the Western. With the release of Red Dead Redemption 2 (RDR 2) and the upcoming addition of Ashe to Overwatch, gamers can get a good idea of what… Continue Reading →

Gearing Up for Halo, the TV Series

I still remember when Halo 2 came out. I was working at EB Games at the time and we had a midnight launch for the title. I had played Halo with many of my friends, at many of their houses…. Continue Reading →

James Cameron Explores Science Fiction (Among Other Genres)

Remember back in the day when people actually bought DVDs, which highlighted incredible supplemental behind-the-scenes documentaries that explored related topics to their subject matter? Those were the best! Clearly I’m not a big collector, as I haven’t bought a DVD… Continue Reading →

Westworld Introduces Samurai in Season 2

I can’t wait to see Shogun World on the HBO show, Westworld.

Vette City Con: 2017

Last week, I was lucky enough to be asked to cover Bowling Green’s first ever comic con. While I have attended more conventions than I can count, this was the first time I was invited as press.

Shaun’s 2016 Year-End Review for Television Shows

Another year is over that was packed with tons of memorable television; some good, some bad, so it is time to take a look back on the year that was and pick out my standout moments. I can’t watch everything,… Continue Reading →

Westworld: One Theory Down, Many More to Go

This week’s episode of Westworld has flipped everything on its head. For anyone not caught up with HBO’s new and exciting sci-fi drama, this is the point where you should stop reading.

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