Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag #WizardWorld

After a Summer of World-Class Fandom Conventions in Nashville, Can Wizard Deliver?

It is fair to say these days that Nashville is a city by which many things can be measured. Like the exploding food scene, hospitality industry, real-estate boom, and so much more going on in Music City, the fandom community… Continue Reading →

Wizard World Brings Comic Con to Music City

Welcome back to this week’s edition of #HauntLife. With Wizard World Nashville only a few days away, I thought it would be awesome to get your nerd blood pumping with my preview of this comic con.

Stan Lee Makes a Wizardly Appearance in Nashville

Per Matt When the name Stan Lee is mentioned, a variety of pop-culture references come to mind. For millennials, he’s the older gentleman making cameo appearances within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For the older crowd, he might be remembered from… Continue Reading →

Calling All Cosplayers: We’d Like to Interview You!

If you’re a cosplayer with unique costumes and you can offer something original, unlike anybody else, we’d like to interview you!

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Extracurricular Activities

Fans celebrate their favorite movies and books in a variety of ways. Some collect the memorabilia. Others love to cosplay as their favorite characters. But there are some who live beyond the books and the screen and the convention circuit. Wannabe… Continue Reading →

Jason David Frank Talks New Power Rangers Movie and Gritty Reboot

He’s faced multiple threats on television and movies as a Power Ranger, but one of the biggest struggles of Jason David Frank’s career is remaining grounded.

James Marsters Delights at Wizard World Fort Lauderdale

James Marsters is best known for his portrayal of Spike, the anti-hero vampire, from the Buffy the Vampire Slayer television series, but the television and voice actor began his acting career in a far less menacing role. “I started in… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Interview: Michael Golden

Per Matt Recognized as one of the best in the superhero and Zombie realms, it may be shocking to reveal that Michael Golden is not a big fan of either comic-book genre. At Wizard World Comic Con Nashville, we spoke… Continue Reading →

The Walking Dead Interview: Jerome Opena

Per Matt Jerome Opena is a big fan of Zombies. His artwork has covered many comic-book titles, most notably on both The Walking Dead, as well as Marvel Zombies. At Wizard World Comic Con Nashville, we spoke with him about… Continue Reading →

Sean Astin Talks The Lord of the Rings and The Goonies

Sean Astin shared stories of his 30-year acting career at Wizard World Comic Con Fort Lauderdale. Currently appearing on The Strain and voicing Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Raphael, Astin answered questions about his fan-favorite movies and living the life of… Continue Reading →

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