Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Youtube

Bowl Ads Post-Game: Winners & Losers

It’s time! Finally, at long last!

Voldemort: Origins of the Heir Doesn’t Deliver as Expected

Welcome back to this edition of #HauntLife. Normally, you’ll see me either reviewing a low-grade B film or telling about my adventures in haunting. But this week, I was intrigued by a new fan-made film available for free on YouTube… Continue Reading →

Have You Been Looking for Some Great Horror Podcasts?

From time to time, I have looked for articles that would tell me where to find the best horror podcasts and for the most part I’ve came up empty. Sure, there is Bloody Disgusting, but I was looking for something… Continue Reading →


In this media-centric world we live in, finding good entertainment options can often be complicated. At home, I have satellite television, where there’s hundreds of options which I can watch, but there always seems to be nothing of interest on…. Continue Reading →

Leftover Horrors: Thanksgiving Aftermath

There are few things as wonderful and relaxing as enjoying your Thanksgiving leftovers for days on end. Sure, a great meal around the table with kith and kin is all fine and good, but getting to enjoy turkey and stuffing… Continue Reading →

Your Halloween Streaming Guide to Halloween

I’m sorry I have been late compiling this year’s list, I have had a rather eventful October. This year, I thought I’d make a list of streaming options for everyone on All Hallows Eve. The weekend closest to Halloween might… Continue Reading →

17776: A Brilliant and Thoughtful Sci-Fi Story About Football

There is something terribly wrong. The screen repeats it again, over and over. Something is terribly wrong. The black font size increases, overlapping, blocking out everything else. And then my screen faded to black. What just happened to my phone?

I’ve Been Troma-tized by Memento Mortis

Like so many ’80s and ’90s kids, my first introduction to the wonderful world of Troma pictures was the Toxic Crusaders cartoon. It was an absolutely absurd half hour of mutated eco-warriors battling the forces of evil. That initial perception… Continue Reading →

The Genius of Seth MacFarlane and Neil deGrasse Tyson

Two of my favorite people in the mainstream of American culture are Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson and Seth MacFarlane. I have had the pleasure of speaking briefly with each of them and admire them both immensely.

Gutboy: A Badtime Story Brings Back the Art of Puppetry

Welcome back to a new episode of #HauntLife. This week, I will be reviewing Nick Grant’s Gutboy: A Badtime Story from Troma Entertainment!

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