Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Black Mirror Season 3: The Show That Watches You Back

For those of you not familiar with the BBC series-turned-Netflix original, the best way to describe this TV show is a modern horror anthology series loosely tied together by technology.

The Blair Witch Still Haunts Us Today

A little over 17 years ago, The Blair Witch Project hit theaters and went on to earn more than 330 times its sub-million-dollar budget at the box office. The movie has become a standout success in the horror genre.

The American Remake of Foreign Films

Hollywood is fixated with pre-sold movies. For the unfamiliar, a pre-sold movie is any movie that is a sequel, prequel, adaptation or remake. The idea is that familiar productions cause increased interest and generate greater ticket sales. Tinseltown makes big… Continue Reading →

What Was the Point of Resuscitating The X-Files?

Per Matt Now that the relentless hype train has finally been derailed and the dust has settled on the tracks, just a bit, it’s time to take a hard look at this year’s abbreviated season of The X-Files. After 14 years, the best… Continue Reading →

Remembering The X-Files

Per Matt Very rarely — if ever — a TV show will arrive at just the right time that speaks to an entire generation. With elements of science fiction, horror, fantasy, mystery, intrigue, drama and even romance, The X-Files sparked… Continue Reading →


Per Matt Robert Kirkman, David Alpert and Norman Reedus take a break from their usual undead duties in order to take a breath of fresh Air.

Happy Hallow-Thanksgiving To All

Happy Thanksgiving! Yours truly is celebrating the day with family and friends, eating turkey and watching the 2015 edition of the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. This parade has been a stable of my “Turkey Day” since I was a wee… Continue Reading →

Ex Machina

Blurring the dividing line between artificial intelligence and humanity, Ex Machina questions society’s perception of reality.

Fear the Walking Dead: The Dog

The neighbors are restless.

Fear the Walking Dead: So Close, Yet So Far

After two episodes, society is starting to fall and it’s finally starting to look like the Zombie Apocalypse has actually arrived.

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