Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Adult Swim

12 oz. Mouse Proves That Adult Swim Should Revive Original Programming

Per Matt A green talking mouse caught in a world of espionage that enjoys drinking beer. If that brief summary doesn’t ring a bell, there’s a decent chance you’ve never watched 12 oz. Mouse. Airing 15-minute-long episodes on Cartoon Network’s… Continue Reading →

Congrats to Seth Green, Robot Chicken for 200 Episodes!

Per Matt Saturday morning cartoons. Just the simple concept of three network television channels airing four or five straight hours of animated TV shows (sometimes longer!) every weekend can be an alien concept for millennials to comprehend. Back in the… Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty Asks, “Who’s Who?”

After what seemed to be a throw-away line of dialogue, almost like a joke, that aired last season on Rick and Morty, it was never really addressed. Would Beth, the matriarch of the Smith family, allow her father, the mad… Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty Teach Story Structure

Per Matt Not quite the storytelling techniques of Save the Cat, but in addition to the bizarre misadventures of mad scientist Rick Sanchez, along with his willingly wishy-washy grandson, Mortimer “Morty” Smith Sr., the first new Rick and Morty episode… Continue Reading →

Rick and Morty’s Return Means All’s Well in the World

Just in case you’ve been hiding under a rock for 770 days, it’s been two long, very long years since the last new episode of Rick and Morty aired. Several days ago, that terrible record ended with the season premiere… Continue Reading →

Family Ties Bring Out the Best of Final Space

Through 15 episodes, Final Space has created bizarre situations for its characters, along with some pretty good laughs, but the animated galactic sci-fi show shines when it deals with family ties. In fact, its sad episodes are much more effective… Continue Reading →

Anime Series Aims to Give Blade Runner Franchise a New Life

We may not be getting another Blade Runner movie anytime soon, but we will be returning to the world of replicants in the form of an anime series in the near future. No release date yet, but when it airs,… Continue Reading →

Zombies and Multiverse Theories of Space Dandy

Zombies. Multiverse theories. Separately, these topics can be found in different sci-fi or horror movies, but in the outer-space anime, Space Dandy, these subjects highlighted one of the best episodes of Season 1.

70 More Episodes, Morty!!!

Two months ago, I got into a social media dispute that ended with me blocking some random person because the person was insistent that Rick and Morty was cancelled. In your face, random social media dude. Rick and Morty is… Continue Reading →

Final Space Aims to Boldly Go Where No Man Knows…

After watching the previews for Final Space, I had no idea what the animated TV series was about, but I knew I wanted to give the pilot a chance. After watching “Chapter One,” I still don’t know exactly where the… Continue Reading →

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