If you know me, you know that I have a taste for action movies and horror flicks. A few times in history these genres have overlapped with one another. Even fewer have been successful. Most of the time, horror-action films… Continue Reading →
The Christmas holiday for 2021 has come and passed, and while many were spending time with family and friends, the Kittrell house continued its tradition of hanging out at our local movie theater. With the week leading up to Christmas… Continue Reading →
Disney has been on a roll during the pandemic with their new television shows based on the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Since making epic, high-budget films was not something Hollywood could do much of during 2020, these shows help keep the… Continue Reading →
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Only The Simpsons Can Reveal True Holiday Nightmares
After 31 seasons, The Simpsons keeps on going, or the animated comedy just won’t stop and simply go away… quietly. Regardless, I’ve been a fan of the show for many, many years, dating back to The Tracey Ulman Show. If… Continue Reading →