Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Craig Robinson

The Bad Guys Will Steal All of Your Emotions!

Cartoons are typically made for kids (not counting things like anime or The Family Guy). Kiddos flock to these films. They bring the impossible to “reality.” Want animals that talk and act like humans? Cartoons. Want some slapstick comedy that… Continue Reading →

The Muppets Get Spooky With a Visit to The Haunted Mansion

Star Wars Terrifying Tales is not the only thing that Disney has cooked up for this Halloween season. Some things you can always expect: Winter will be cold, water will be wet and you will pay taxes. You can expect… Continue Reading →

Brooklyn Nine-Nine Works Best When Real Life Isn’t Involved

Per Matt A funny thing happened between Season 7 and Season 8 of Brooklyn Nine-Nine: Real life. While the Coronavirus may have delayed the series’ production schedule pushing back the current season premiere a little later than usual, that wasn’t… Continue Reading →

Jackie Daytona, Great Guests Propel Shadows to the 2020 Emmys

Per Matt Recognition is something everybody covets, whether it’s from our peers or our employers. We all want to be told that we’re doing a good job and that others have noticed. This may be more true for those in… Continue Reading →

Vampires Receive a Temporary Stay of Execution in Shadows’ Finale

Per Matt There’s certain rules that need to be followed when creating a horror-comedy series about a trio of vampires who live in Staten Island, New York. They can’t survive being caught in sunlight, or they’ll die. They can transform… Continue Reading →

Mark Hamill Visits the Dark Side of Shadows

Per Matt Luke Skywalker joins a new franchise? You want the impossible.

Shadows Unveils Even More Dark Secrets for Season 2

Vampires. Werewolves. Zombies. Necromancers. If you thought the first season of What We Do in the Shadows was epic, wait ’til you see what else creeps out of the dark for Season 2.

All-Star Vampires Unite for Small-Screen Shadows

How would you behave if you were three 100-year-old vampires, living in New York, baring your souls while being followed by a documentary camera crew and you just accidentally killed an ancient one from the Old Country? In case you’ve… Continue Reading →

Dolittle Ushers in the 2020 Family Film Season

In my younger years, the term “family friendly” was something that pretty much told me “this film is going to be boring.” They were things that I only experienced with my mom and dad out on Sunday trips. If I… Continue Reading →

Eddie Murphy is Dynamite as Dolemite!

Per Matt It has been a long time since I thought, “Eddie Murphy is dynamite in this big-screen role.” Correction. It’s been a VERY long time since I have last imagined that phrase. But here it is, in 2019, and… Continue Reading →

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