Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Preacher Showed Promise, Then Faded Away…

Time is precious. It’s invaluable, actually. There’s no getting it back, once it’s gone. And it’s not until the closing minutes of Preacher‘s series finale until it becomes painfully clear. The outcome doesn’t have anything to do with a vengeful,… Continue Reading →

I Hope You Haven’t Started the Apocalypse Without Me…

As the end of the world looms large, Jesse Custer’s focus is stronger than ever to meet up with God to talk some things out, as Jesus Christ negotiates with Adolf Hitler the rules of Armageddon in the final season… Continue Reading →

The End is Near for Preacher

Whether it’s judgement day, doomsday or simply the Apocalypse, the end is near for Preacher. Figuratively and literally.

Once Again, Preacher Defies Definition as a TV Show

Jesse just wants his soul back. Tulip just wants to escape Gran’ma. Cass just wants to be with Tulip. A cult of wannabe vampires just wants everlasting life. Herr Starr just wants Jesse as his Messiah for a new world…. Continue Reading →

Preacher Does Some Soul Searching in Season 2

Jesse Custer’s journey, as a character on Preacher, has been an emotionally rocky road so far, but Season 2 of the AMC TV series has led him to New Orleans, where he seeks an audience with God, who has strangely… Continue Reading →

It’s Time to Give Preacher The Chance It Deserves

AMC’s Preacher has unfortunately languished in relative obscurity. I confess that this has been a constant source of consternation and confusion for me. The TV show is backed and produced by Seth Rogan. Its source material is one of the more famous… Continue Reading →

What We Learned From Season 1 of Preacher

Everyone’s got their own demons to hide… figuratively, as well as literally, in the small town of Annville, Texas. Preacher, the quirky supernatural drama, fantasy, horror and action TV series based on the Vertigo comic books, published by DC comics and airing… Continue Reading →

Preacher: One Hell of a Pilot

I don’t really know what I was expecting from this TV show, based on the comic book series of the same name, but this was most definitely not it.

Beer with a Brewmaster: Rich Kilcullen

Per Matt Whenever sour beers are mentioned, a certain funk comes to mind that’s all the rage in the craft-beer culture these days. Living in the South, one of the most well-known producers of sour beers is Wicked Weed Brewing…. Continue Reading →

The Terminator Franchise Gets Rebooted (Yet Again)

“If the past can change, then so can the future.” So, does that mean the latest Terminator movie is headed toward the right direction? And is it any good?

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