Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Hawkeye

The Marvels Fails to Shift Out of First Gear

Upon the release of the 2019 film, Captain Marvel, Disney faced significant challenges. Brie Larson, the actress portraying the lead character, made remarks during the movie’s promotional tour that some found polarizing. Consequently, a portion of the audience critiqued the… Continue Reading →

Ms. Marvel Doesn’t Feel Marvelous

The Marvel Cinematic Universe has been introducing audiences to both old and new characters for many years. We were gifted the initial treats of seeing fan favorites such as Iron Man, Captain America and Thor. Along with these iconic characters… Continue Reading →

Black Widow Drives Home That MCU Phase 3 is Over

We all knew it was coming. The end of the Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase 3 has technically been over ever since WandaVision made its debut on Disney+ earlier this year. It should shock no one that once Steve Rogers hung… Continue Reading →

Digital Extras Bring Additional Value to Disney Plus

Per Matt I’ve enjoyed watching Pixar animated films at movie theaters for a long time, now, starting with Toy Story. And as a life-long fan of comic books, I haven’t missed any of the big-screen entries into the Marvel Cinematic… Continue Reading →

#DontSpoilTheEndgame Was Mostly a Success

Per Matt Superhero fans are a rare breed of moviegoers. They enjoy seeing their favorite comic book characters adapted to the big screen and boost box-office bucks to the billions of dollars for the studios who properly tell their tales…. Continue Reading →

Captain Marvel and Future Female MCU Heroes

With Captain Marvel fast approaching in 2019 and it being the 21st movie within the MCU, I wanted to highlight a few super-strong female heroes that I could easily see showing up in the MCU.

Black Panther’s Infinity Timeline

Superhero fans can finally celebrate the official introduction of Thanos into the Marvel Cinematic Universe this week as the character hits the big screen in Avengers: Infinity War, appearing in more than just a post-credits scene. But before we approach… Continue Reading →

Having Heart Can’t Save Saban’s Power Rangers

Saban’s Power Rangers is not a good movie. In fact, Saban’s Power Rangers is barely a Power Rangers movie. It is over-designed and over-produced, but that doesn’t stop it from being important.

The Old Man in Logan

Now that the world has had some time to enjoy the wonderfully visceral experience that is Logan, I can feel a little safer writing about it without needing to attach a spoiler tag to every other sentence. Some of you Wolverine… Continue Reading →

The Magic of Marvel Movies

Per Matt As Phase 3 unfolds for the Marvel Cinematic Universe, the superhero movies that were once grounded within our own reality take a new direction. With the introduction of Doctor Strange, filmgoers take a trippy adventure exploring alternate dimensions through magic… Continue Reading →

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