Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Jack Ryan Gets a Modern-Day Makeover

The Jack Ryan series on Amazon is a good, modern interpretation of the character from the Tom Clancy books. It’s not perfect, but it’s pretty good. As a fan of the Tom Clancy books and having watched all the Jack… Continue Reading →

Discussing Nashville Ballet’s The Raven with Chris Stuart

First thing’s first: This isn’t just an interview with Chris Stuart, who is the choreographer for The Raven that recently played at the Tennessee Performing Arts Center, but he also happens to be a dear friend of mine, so this… Continue Reading →

Unpacking Mother!

One of my favorite activities in a theater is listening to my fellow audience members as I head toward the nearest exit. As an occasional critic, I’ve found that listening to the audience’s reaction to a film is just as… Continue Reading →

Inhumans: Comic Connections to the Latest Marvel TV Series

The Inhumans are coming to the Marvel Cinematic Universe this fall, as part of a new eight-episode television series on ABC. The latest edition to the MCU had a complicated journey, as it made its way from the comic book… Continue Reading →

Mother! is Probably Not the Movie You Thought You Were Going to See

I am not sure why Mother! has been marketed the way that is has, perhaps simply because they had no idea how to market the film. Actually, I’m not even sure how this movie got made. It almost felt like… Continue Reading →

Batman: The Guardian and the Devil

Finally, I was the hero I wanted to be. It took a few episodes, but I did things as Batman I’ve wanted to do the entire series. Batman – The Telltale Series Episode 4: Guardian of Gotham lives up to… Continue Reading →

Batman — The Telltale Series: An Innovative Exploration of the Batman Mythos

Ten minutes passed after the game concluded and I couldn’t stop thinking about my choices and their ramifications. I looked at the screen as it displayed my key decisions compared to the thousands of others who’ve already played through Episode… Continue Reading →

Ghost Adventures: Ireland’s Celtic Demons

What kind of ancient entities lurk on the Emerald Isle?

The Art of The X-Files

The Art of The X-Files is a coffee-table book which attempts to delve into the psyche of the TV show.

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