Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag Leia Organa

Andor Does Little to Revive the Star Wars Franchise

As a Child of the ’80s, Star Wars was something I thought would be the basis that all “good movies” would be based on, for the rest of my life. Now, in the 2020s, I find myself wondering why in… Continue Reading →

The Third Time’s a Charm for Lego Star Wars Summer Vacation?

The Lego Star Wars saga is back with its third seasonal installment for Disney+. It feels like forever since the first one hit the streaming service in 2020. The Lego Star Wars Holiday Special was a million times better than… Continue Reading →

The Force is Strong with Obi-Wan Kenobi on Disney+

During my formative years, when I wasn’t watching horror films, I had a passion for sci-fi. From Buck Rogers to Star Trek, I was a fan of almost every TV show and movie that came out. And as you’d probably… Continue Reading →

The Rise of Skywalker is Both the Best and Worst Film in the Star Wars Saga

A long time ago, in a town far, far away, a little boy was introduced to the Star Wars Universe. Sitting down with his friends, the opening crawl appeared on screen, complete with the orchestral explosion that shook him to… Continue Reading →

Which Skywalker Will Rise? And Which Will Fall?

After Lucasfilm released the teaser trailer for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, speculation and rumors about the upcoming movie have swirled nonstop on the ‘net. While I tend to shy away from all trailers of any kind — because… Continue Reading →

Star Wars Fans Petition to Remove Episode VIII From Canon

Star Wars fans are upset about The Last Jedi… I mean really upset… like, upset enough to sign a petition to have Disney strike Episode VIII from the Star Wars canon. A petition that has accumulated more than 52,000 signatures… Continue Reading →

Star Wars: The Last Jedi — Thoughts of a Sci-Fi Cynic

Long ago, in a galaxy not that far away, George Lucas had the visionary insight to rip off every sci-fi story of the ’40s through ’70s to create what would become the most bafflingly beloved and fiercely defended science-fiction saga… Continue Reading →

Reshoots, Rewrites and Reboots of a Galaxy Far, Far Away…

With multiple directors’ chairs rotating (as well as different screenwriters checking out) within the cinematic Star Wars Universe, what, exactly, is going on with Lucasfilm?

Social Reflections of The Force Awakens

It has often been said of the Star Wars films that they tend to reflect the times, to some extent. Volumes have already been written on the topic, so we won’t rehash here why the cautious optimism and sticking-it-to-the-man motif… Continue Reading →

William Shakespeare’s Tragedy of the Sith’s Revenge

Per Matt Rounding out the prequel trilogy, ‘Tis the War of Stars, Episode Three. As if the story, written by Shakespeare, Revealeth the Dark Side, doth he, with much fear. Evil steppeth into thine spotlight, Mayhap to challenge the Jedi… Continue Reading →

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