Per Matt Organized crime. Gangsters. The Mafia. Crime lords. The kingpin. A mob boss. Hitmen. A made man. Wise guys. Every element depicting the true-crime aspect of America’s (and Italy’s) not-long-ago past always intrigues me, so I was very curious… Continue Reading →
Each year, I patiently await October’s arrival for multiple reasons and this year, I was especially curious to see what AMC’s FearFest had in store for fans in the mood for some Halloween scares.
As September winds down and October inches ever closer, more season premieres begin to air. That also means Halloween isn’t far away. What better time time of year for American Horror Story to return?
In television terms, 10 years is an eternity for a show to remain airing and relevant within the pop-culture spectrum… and a rare thing at that, with one featuring Zombies. As I watched the “Season 10 Preview Special,” I wasn’t… Continue Reading →
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Only The Simpsons Can Reveal True Holiday Nightmares
After 31 seasons, The Simpsons keeps on going, or the animated comedy just won’t stop and simply go away… quietly. Regardless, I’ve been a fan of the show for many, many years, dating back to The Tracey Ulman Show. If… Continue Reading →