Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

Tag professional wrestlers

Peacemaker Answers the Question: Is There a Limit to Crude Humor?

I’ll admit it… I am a John Cena fan. Not just the actor that everyone knows today. Like Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Cena got his start in professional wrestling. I remember seeing him as a baby-faced indie wrestler going by… Continue Reading →

The Similarities of Pro Wrestling and Movies Are Many

Besides being an uber horror movie fan, I am a professional wrestling mark. From an early age, I have been enamored with the storytelling the business offers. The writers and producers who work behind the scenes come up with stories… Continue Reading →

My Spy Proves That Dave Bautista Is No Arnold Schwarzenegger

Growing up, Arnold Schwarzenegger was the quintessential action movie star. Basically, if you wanted a strong, muscle-bound hero who just oozed charisma, Arnold was your man. Starting with Conan The Barbarian, I was hooked on him. I remember my mom… Continue Reading →

Santa’s Slay is the Perfect Holiday Horror Flick

Tis the season to be jolly. Time to take some time off work and spend time with those you love. And during this time, we sit around the TV, watching classic films like It’s A Wonderful Life, Miracle of 34th… Continue Reading →

Wizard World Brings Comic Con to Music City

Welcome back to this week’s edition of #HauntLife. With Wizard World Nashville only a few days away, I thought it would be awesome to get your nerd blood pumping with my preview of this comic con.

GLOW Delivers Hits and Misses for Netflix

Welcome back to #HauntLife. This week, I am going to give my thoughts on the Netflix series, GLOW. Yes… GLOW. I know, you probably are wondering what this has to do with haunting and horror and such. But just ignore… Continue Reading →

12 Anti-Christmas Movies of Christmas

Every December, television is awash with saccharine and joyous Christmas-themed entertainment, which is sometimes perfectly fine. But sometimes you just want to revel in darkness and despair, even during the most wonderful time of the year. With that in mind,… Continue Reading →

Enuattii — Nature’s Law Has No Mercy Part Two

Enuattii was great to cast. With storyboards and character design from Yoni Limor, and the help of Trish and Katie at NECAT Network, we locked in our actors needed to bring the characters in the film to life.

Enuattii — Nature’s Law Has No Mercy Part One

Last year I wrote, produced and made my directorial debut with Lwa: All Saints’ Eve. This year, I’m back as writer/producer on Enuattii with Rashaad Santiago as director.

The Walking Dead Interview: Jeremy Ambler

Per Matt Jeremy Ambler knows a thing or two (or three) about the undead.

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