Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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The 2024 #HauntLife Movie Awards

Welcome to the 2024 Movie Awards, where the red carpet is optional, the tuxedos are rented (if worn at all) and the categories are as unique as the films they honor. This is not the space for your typical “Best… Continue Reading →

We Are Zombies is Screaming Now on Screambox!

Is the Zombie genre being resurrected from the dead? The Walking Dead ran Zombies (back) into the ground with eight seasons. We’ve seen a couple of spinoff shows this year: The Ones Who Live and Daryl Dixon, Zelda Williams’ Lisa… Continue Reading →

In a Violent Nature? More Like a Violent Nature Walk.

As an avid horror movie fan, I’ve always been captivated by the allure of iconic killers like Jason Voorhees and Michael Myers. The silent, relentless pursuit of their victims creates a suspense that’s both terrifying and exhilarating. Yet, as much… Continue Reading →

As a Requel, Scream Doesn’t Cut Deep

Per Matt Twenty-six years is a long time for a killer movie franchise to survive. I mean, L-O-N-G. New blood is necessary when trying to remain innovative within the horror genre for such a timespan, especially when it comes to… Continue Reading →

Manifest Finally Addresses Fan Service

Fan Service. Hidden deep within the dark halls of Hollywood’s major production studios are writers who prefer not to directly address the elephant in the room. It’s what keeps fandoms up at night, molding conspiracy theories around their favorite themes,… Continue Reading →

David J. Skal Highlights 31 Fright Favorites

Per Matt Halloween offers something for just about everyone. From the frights, to the costumes of symbolic characters, to the jump scares, to the classic movies we enjoy rewatching, even to the laughs they may bring. Author David J. Skal… Continue Reading →

Jackie Daytona, Great Guests Propel Shadows to the 2020 Emmys

Per Matt Recognition is something everybody covets, whether it’s from our peers or our employers. We all want to be told that we’re doing a good job and that others have noticed. This may be more true for those in… Continue Reading →

Vampires Receive a Temporary Stay of Execution in Shadows’ Finale

Per Matt There’s certain rules that need to be followed when creating a horror-comedy series about a trio of vampires who live in Staten Island, New York. They can’t survive being caught in sunlight, or they’ll die. They can transform… Continue Reading →

Mark Hamill Visits the Dark Side of Shadows

Per Matt Luke Skywalker joins a new franchise? You want the impossible.

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