Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Deep State Takes a Deep Look at the Politics of Intelligence

Per Matt Headline news inundates us with 24-hour news cycles of violence, government conspiracies and global politics. Such is the backbone of Deep State, which highlights the motivations of global elected officials, the fallout from their actions and all the… Continue Reading →

Have You Been Looking for Some Great Horror Podcasts?

From time to time, I have looked for articles that would tell me where to find the best horror podcasts and for the most part I’ve came up empty. Sure, there is Bloody Disgusting, but I was looking for something… Continue Reading →

Small-Town Life Gets Prehistoric in Devon Massey’s Marshville

Riverdale meets Land of the Lost in the Cavewoman comics written and illustrated by Devon Massey.

Wonder Woman and the Definition of the Modern-Day Superhero

Per Matt Throughout the years, different types of heroes have emerged. Those of the 1930s were vastly different from those of the early ’80s, the ’90s and even today. Superheroes reveal the story of America, so, what exactly does the… Continue Reading →

True Terror Happens When A Monster Calls

True terror doesn’t always come in the form of a big-budget CGI extravaganza. In fact, it feels more authentic when it’s seen through the eyes of a child and it’s directly impacting the character’s entire family. True terror happens when A Monster Calls.

The Case for Horror Remakes

I’ve been utterly disgusted by the perpetual and baffling stagnation of the film industry. With a list of remakes and reboots announced, including iconic titles like Friday the 13th, Halloween and Child’s Play, just to name a few, cautious optimism is hard to… Continue Reading →

Hollow Victories and Bittersweet Endings

There are a lot of different ways storytellers resolve their plot lines. Specifically with limited series or movies, the writer or director implements an underlying theme throughout that is meant to leave a certain impression on the viewer. Full-fledged television… Continue Reading →

You Better Watch Out, ‘Cause Krampus is Coming to Town: A Christmas Horror Story Review

If you are the kind of person who enjoys horror anthologies, A Christmas Horror Story will be a fun, cozy watch this Christmas. Slightly nontraditional to the anthology format, the directors interweave each story. So, you watch a few minutes… Continue Reading →

Bats v. Supes v. Critique

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice really needed to be a masterpiece. It needed to be so impossibly perfect that the most cynical among us would eat their hats, stuffed with crow meat. Heaven and earth needed to move, not… Continue Reading →

IDW Reinvents the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

The ’80s and ’90s were possibly the greatest eras for kids growing up, in terms of televised cartoons. My personal favorite was Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The show’s opening guitar riff, backed by synth chords, was just about the only… Continue Reading →

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