Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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Marvel Mutates Source Material Into a Gifted TV Series

When a television pilot introduces a new series with characters who are, “a couple of freaks, same as you,” I immediately perked up. The Gifted had my full attention. Maybe this wasn’t going to be the generic teeny bopper-outsiders soap opera… Continue Reading →

“Cursed Child” is Harry Potter for a Grown-Up Generation

It had been a long time since I had stood in line in a Barnes & Noble at midnight. In fact, it had been almost a decade, and it had been for the very same beloved book series: Harry Potter. With… Continue Reading →

Haunt Season Is Upon Us At Nashville Nightmare

Greetings, fiends! Welcome back to another installment of #hauntlife with your ghoulish host, Jason Kittrell. I know it has been a long time since my last post, but wow, a lot has changed in my #hauntlife.

Are Found-Footage Films Dead?

Per Matt During the early ’90s and the mid 2000s, found-footage films were all the rage. Spanning different genres, there were no true limits for the format, but with the arrival of 2016, the state of cinema is obviously headed… Continue Reading →

Catching Cooties: An Infectious Film

Per Matt Circle, circle, dot, dot, now you’ve got your Cooties shot. That imaginary vaccination won’t prevent a food-borne virus from reaching pandemic levels, turning every third- and fourth-grade student in Ft. Chicken, Illinois into undead terrors, but it’s a… Continue Reading →

Rapture, Blister, Burn by Nashville Repertory Theatre

Per Matt The road to happiness can be long and winding. It’s a difficult path, for some. As evidenced in Rapture, Blister, Burn, it can be both a bonding experience, as well as a fracturing one.

Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #4: Substitute Creature

“What’s more important? A stupid Valentine’s Day concert or saving the world from an army of ancient monsters?”

Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #3: Teacher’s Pest

It’s a hard-knock life, for bugs.

Nashville Symphony Orchestra: Side-By-Side Concert

Per My Brother The Nashville Symphony Orchestra performed a Side-By-Side Concert last night with young musicians and scholarship winners at the Schermerhorn Symphony Center.

Tales From Lovecraft Middle School #2: The Slither Sisters

The popular vote isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be.

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