Geek Culture, Zombies... and Other Monsters

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War of the Worlds: The Perfect Pandemic Binge

Per Matt With the spread of COVID-19, immediate changes went into full effect. People changed the way they shopped. Changed the places they traveled. Changed their commutes to work. Changed their forms of entertainment. Changed the way they breathed. Basically,… Continue Reading →

What Will Haunted Houses Look Like During the COVID Pandemic?

The Coronavirus pandemic has caused a lot of things that we take for granted, here in the USA, to change. Movie theaters have been closed for months. Hollywood is paused. Outdoor activities and gatherings have been cancelled. Even the simple… Continue Reading →

Of Mutating Zombie Viruses and Redcon-1 Storylines

Per Matt During these harrowing times of the COVID-19 pandemic, I turn to survival horror in order to somehow make it through the day. So, I was actually looking forward to finally watching Redcon-1, a British Zombie movie that was… Continue Reading →

Snowpiercer Tackles Social Class with Science Fiction

Bong Joon Ho is no stranger to social structures. As the writer-director of the 2013 feature film, Snowpiercer, and last year’s Oscar-winning Best Picture, Parasite, the filmmaker knows how to make a point while using the science-fiction and horror genres… Continue Reading →

War of the Worlds: An Epic, Low-Tech Disaster Story

Per Matt The aliens have arrived and they’re on a mission to wipe out the entire human race. While that synopsis may sound exactly like The War of the Worlds by H.G. Wells, that’s only the beginning for the adapted… Continue Reading →

Pure Terror? Blumhouse’s Hunt is Pure Garbage.

Per Matt I tried. I really tried to watch The Hunt with an open mind at a recent media-only screening, because I have been a loud-and-proud supporter of everything related to Blumhouse Productions from the studio’s beginnings, as Paranormal Activity… Continue Reading →

Frist Art Museum Remembers The Nashville Flood: Ten Years Later

Per Matt When the rain came, Nashville was never the same. Currently appearing at the Frist Art Museum through May 17, The Nashville Flood: Ten Years Later recalls the Great Flood of 2010, which, for the most part, went underreported… Continue Reading →

My Guilty Pleasure: Blood Fest

Are horror fans really afraid of the dark? More importantly, would they be able to accurately follow the rules of the genre in order to survive homicidal maniacs, vampires, killer clowns and Zombies on the prowl for blood? Fandoms, pop-culture… Continue Reading →

Why Have Ratings Declined for The Walking Dead? The AMC Chief Knows…

How far has The Walking Dead fallen? Once the basic-cable king of the world, with ratings fading on the undead mothership, the AMC network chief pinpoints the exact moment the TV show jumped the shark, er, walker…

My Guilty Pleasure: It Stains the Sands Red

Zombies. Las Vegas. When crafting a story that involves the Zombie Apocalypse taking place in Sin City, it’s gotta have “sure-fire hit” written all over it. Right?

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