With a title like that, how can you not read this riveting post? Welcome back to another Troma film review from #hauntlife.
I don’t really know what I was expecting from this TV show, based on the comic book series of the same name, but this was most definitely not it.
Marvel’s Cinematic Universe has had some ups and downs throughout the last decade, but some of the most memorable scenes have been those pulled straight from the pages of the comics, themselves. They are special nods to the original fans who… Continue Reading →
The Marvel Cinematic Universe has seen limitless bounds. Captain America became the first hero to convert from comic book pages to the big screen back in 1944, and since Blade came along in 1998, a superhero trend has escalated in… Continue Reading →
Per Matt With the recent death of Scott Weiland, it seems like an appropriate time to examine another favorite artist of mine, one whose incredible recordings and time on this Earth were also cut way too short, Amy Winehouse.
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Catching Cooties: An Infectious Film
Per Matt Circle, circle, dot, dot, now you’ve got your Cooties shot. That imaginary vaccination won’t prevent a food-borne virus from reaching pandemic levels, turning every third- and fourth-grade student in Ft. Chicken, Illinois into undead terrors, but it’s a… Continue Reading →